How to Find Your Writing Voice – 7 Quick Tips

Girl looking at her negative image

Mark, a writer-for-a-reason, recently requested input on developing a writing style/voice as an author. This topic can cause anxiety, and it’s something I don’t think I’ve ever covered, so really pleased to give you seven…

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Dialogue Tags

wild flowers

The latest Write for a Reason course has just come to an end… as always it’s been lots of fun, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know the students. One issue that has cropped up once again, as it often seems to, is the use of dialogue tags. I’ve mentioned this…

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7 Gleanings from Reading a Stack of Books

fantastic library

We all know that if we want to be writers, we have to read. We can glean all sorts of things from other people’s stories – both good and bad. Having recently read a stack of books I was sent to review, I’m going to share seven…

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7 Things to Beware of when Writing Stories for Children


Over the last few months I have been reviewing books for a charity that puts Christian titles into libraries and other public places. So I have had the joy of having to read. 🙂 How about that for an excuse to read – sorry, can’t do that, I absolutely have to finish these books….

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Are You Free?

Locked gate to church

In some parts of the world you could be imprisoned for writing a Christian book for children – you would have to write in secret, and pray not to be discovered. Even if you finished your story, you would have to be careful where and when you shared it – you might have to write copies out by hand and pass them on at great risk, not only to yourself, but your recipients.

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Introducing Your Protagonist

Children playing

This may seem obvious, and I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but unless you have an excellent reason for not doing so, the first person you need to introduce your readers to is your protagonist . . .

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5 Ways to Stretch Your Writing Muscles (including taking over the world!)

5 Ways to Stretch Your Writing Muscles (including taking over the world!)

You know what they say about exercise – 20 minutes a day, or at least three times a week, will improve our health. Is it worth it? The answer is, it probably is, no matter what excuses we might make to ourselves!

So what about our writing health? If we write 20 minutes a day, or at least three times a week, would it improve our writing? The answer is, once again, it probably would, no matter what excuses we might make!

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