I’m guessing that many of you won’t have time to work on your novel over the next few days… but here are a couple of quick, fun writing exercises for you to do when you have half an hour to spare. Perhaps when Grandad has fallen asleep in the afternoon, in the quiet of the morning before the rush, or when everyone else is watching a film you’ve seen before? (I spent an hour in a queue waiting to get out of Heathrow Airport’s Terminal Two car park last Friday – I could have done one of these then, if I’d have thought about it!).
1. Write the Christmas story from the point of view of an unnamed character. One of the animals, a neighbour, a shepherd, a child, a robin… the choice is yours. Don’t spend too long thinking about the story – write it from your heart as quickly as you can. It doesn’t have to be polished – real is what we’re looking for. It’s surprising what you can come up with when you just write.

2. What do you enjoy most about the Christmas celebrations? (What a wonderful gift to celebrate – Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us!) Is it the decorations, the tree, the lights, the food, the music and carols, having the neighbours in, seeing family, buying or receiving gifts and cards, the school nativity play, the time off, the office party, the church services, the games and silliness? Whatever you choose, write from your heart. 🙂 Perhaps Christmas is a difficult time for you this year, for one reason or another. Add that in – it’s important to express how you really feel. The Psalmists did… the Lord understands.
I hope you enjoy doing these two exercises. You could even do them with your family and friends – get everyone writing! Send me your finished pieces – I’d love to read them.
And don’t forget, if you’d like to join the Write for a Reason Academy, you have two days left to register for our January start. I’d love to help you with your writing, if you feel you need training, support or encouragement. Or all three!
Whether you join the course or not, make 2020 the year you use the gift you have been given. Don’t bury it again because it’s too hard to do, or try to do it alone if you need help. Write for a Reason helps fund the sending of Christian books to needy children, so if you do decide to join the course, you will also be helping a great cause (and there’s a monthly payment option, if that helps).
Whatever you decide to do, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. May the Lord fill your life with light, life, hope, peace and an abundance of joy!

P.S. Do you love instagram? I’m @janetfromwriteforareason if you’d like to connect. 🙂
P.P.S. Read more info about the Write for a Reason Academy here.