Dear Writer Friends,
The days are getting darker and colder… and wetter and windier! At the time of writing, we are due another storm in London tonight…
Here’s a quick writing tip for you:
Include lots of weather in your story!

I know we British talk about the weather a lot, but here are some great reasons to talk about the weather in your book:
- It will add variety
- It will add atmosphere
- It can add emotion
- It will take your readers right there.
Sunshine, storms, wind, rain, mist, cold, heat… it’s all good!
After all, no adventure takes place in a vacuum.
What you want is for your readers to feel the wind on their face, the heat through the windows, hear the pattering of rain, the tearing of the wind through the trees, see the clouds racing by… alongside your characters.
So go on, check your story for weather!
Every blessing to you all,
P.S. Make sure you do lots of ‘show not tell’ with your weather. 🙂