Balance Your Goodies And Baddies

How many goodies and baddies does your story have? You need some great baddies so you have a story! You also need your protagonist to be essentially inspiring, so your readers will root for them. (More on creating engaging protagonists here, in a previous post, in case you missed it: We all need a hero!.)

But what about all your other characters? Have you got the balance right?


Christian novels can err on the side of too many ‘nice’ people. However, I read a detective novel on holiday last week where almost all the characters were obnoxious. There were the ‘rich bitches’, the out-for-all-she-could-get homeless girl, the hateful mother, greedy lawyer, spoilt designer, nasty policeman . . . and so it went on. By the end of the book I was really hoping for someone good to believe in!

So here’s a quick tip: make sure you don’t have too many baddies that have nothing to commend them, or too many goodies, either!

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

The balance between goodies and baddies will be different for every story – have you got the balance right in yours?


Have you read a book recently with too many good or bad characters you couldn’t quite believe in? Let us know – it’s good to learn from each other!




The Write for a Reason writing course starts on 4th July. More info here.






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