Christmas . . . Whose Birthday Is It?

Hello Christian writer friends! Christmas has crept up on us once again, so here’s a Christmas writing tip for the festive season (the last one of the year, eek!):

Why not take a break from your novel, and write a short story set at Christmas?

How about a story to draw young readers into what Christmas is really all about? The awesome fact of Emmanuel, God with us, who came to serve not to be served, in the humblest of circumstances . . . apparently 36% of children don’t know whose birthday is celebrated at Christmas.

Jesus in the manger

So we can make a difference when we write for this excellent reason – and help tell the most wonderful of stories. True, it may be too late to give your story to your readers this year, but why not have it ready for next October? There’s no better time to write about Christmas, when you are immersed in the sights, sounds and smells yourself.

So, set yourself a word count and make every word count. Plan an intriguing beginning, an exciting middle and a satisfying conclusion . . . give yourself an hour or two a day, or set aside a day or two and enjoy!

I look forward to reading your stories; do send them to me . . . I’m going to take a week off next week, so you have two weeks to write your story . . . then when I come back I might even put the best ones up on the blog! 🙂

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

And all that remains is for me to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a fruitful new year. May God bless you all, and I’ll see you 2017!



P.S. This is the link to the writing course, if you would like to join us in January. And this is the link to join the monthly membership programme (point your spouse/parents here if they haven’t bought you a Christmas present yet!). In the monthly membership programme we will be looking at Friends and Foes (a look at secondary characters), The Message (writing with a purpose), Beginnings, Middles and Ends (making sure we get each one right), The First Draft (making sure you get to the end), Editing your Manuscript (improving that first draft), Inspiration (where to get it and how to use it)  . . . and lots more! All from a Christian perspective. If you want to take your writing to the next level, but don’t have the time for the course right now, this could be just the thing for you. Oh, and there are writing exercises on each topic, to make sure you put your new/revised knowledge into practice. Come and join us, we’d love to have you! 🙂


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