Children Save the Day!

Hello again my writer friends, and yes, it’s Monday again, so time for a new creative writing tip! This week I wanted to write about something which will help you with your stories, so I picked a topic which is essential.

You may know this, but when writing novels for children, it’s the young characters themselves who must save the day.

By all means have a ‘Yoda’ style older character who can advise, but ‘Luke’ (insert your own character’s name here!) needs to win the battle alone. Or Luke and his friends, if there are a group of young heroes in your story.

Your protagonists need to use their own wits, strength and ingenuity to defeat the enemy.

They need to think up the plan, make their own decisions, make mistakes and get up again before reaching their goal. Alone.

I know you wouldn’t normally place children in danger, but in your stories you safely can!

Don’t worry about it being a tough fight – the tougher the better (as long as it’s age appropriate). The greater the struggle and the battle, the greater the defeat of the foe, and the greater the victory!


Do not have an adult stepping in to save the day.

Assignment: This week, I have a writing exercise for you! Find three books popular with your target readers. Read each of the stories thinking about how the main characters have fought and won through. In your writing journal (if you don’t have one, get one!) write down your thoughts, and how it can help you with your own stories.

I hope this writing tip is helpful! May the Lord help and inspire you as you write. 🙂

Janet Wilson from Write for a Reason and Dernier Publishing


P.S. You must read books your target readers enjoy, if you want to write good stories they will love. It’s never to late to start! If you don’t have a collection, today’s the day to start one. Empty one of your bookshelves, and start to fill it. The books don’t have to be new! But you do have to read them.

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