Hello everyone, and thanks for coming over!
This week, instead of a usual brief tip, I have a ten-page pdf for you to download, all about how to include humour (or humor if you prefer!) in your stories for children and teens… this is in response to a request to have some longer training, instead of little tips.
I have heard it said that the average four-year-old laughs 300 times a day, the average adult, less than twenty. Now this may be nothing more than an urban myth, or simple exaggeration, but we can’t deny the fact that children love to laugh.

And we all love hearing children laugh – the laughter of my little grandsons is priceless. 🙂 Laughter is a wonderful expression of joy – and every child should be able to experience joy. If we can help, as Christian writers, we will be doing a great job.
Writing comedy takes a particular set of skills which isn’t covered in the pdf, but we should all be able to add humour to our novels, whatever the genre.
If you’d like to download the pdf with six reasons to add humour to your novel, five tips how you can do it, three writing exercises for you to do, and some “don’ts” to avoid, please click here.
Hope it helps you with your writing!
Every blessing to you all,
P.S. If you’d like to make sure you hear about the writing course, please let me know.