Lego Cathedral

Hello Christian writers! Thanks for being here again. 🙂

On a recent visit to Chester, I went into the cathedral. (Chester is a beautiful city; I highly recommend a visit if you get the chance!) They are building a model of the cathedral from Lego, piece by piece – you can join in for £1 per brick – to go towards restoration of the real building!

Lego model of Chester cathedral

We all know that writing is a bit of a solitary pursuit. Yet we still very much need other people.

For example, we all need a proof-reader and an editor when we get to the end of a story or article (my husband, who trained as a journalist, looks over these tips for me). We need young people to read and comment on our work; friends and family to encourage and give us the time; and usually someone to help with technology when we get stuck. Well I do, anyway! Some of us belong to writing groups for mutual support, and we read books and articles to help us improve our writing skills. And I could go on, especially when it comes to getting our story out there in the marketplace.

In fact, whatever we do in the body of Christ, we need each other. The Lego cathedral is going to take thousands of bricks! But if enough people buy a brick, the model will be complete. In just the same way, if we all work together, we can do amazing things. We all have different skills, and come from different places. Which is why I set up Write for a Reason – I wanted to help writers with some of the things I have learnt from publishing books for young people from a Christian perspective. If you’d like to join in the next course, or the monthly programme, you would be very welcome.

Janet WilsonEven if that’s not for you, could I encourage you this week to come out of your writing garret, get some support and encouragement, then reach out to others with any help you may have gleaned in your writing journey? No man is an island!

Have a great week,


P.S. Even if you don’t do anything else, how about sharing this post on facebook? 🙂

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2 thoughts on “Lego Cathedral

  1. MariHoward

    So true! And there is a lovely Lego Cathedral in Durham, too: I think they have completed it, or nearly. We bought a brick one time we were there.

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