Good morning from a beautiful, sunny morning in London, where everything looks the same, but so much has changed. At least we know our Lord does not change. His mercies are new every morning, and his faithfulness will never end.
He is our Rock in times of trouble.

Many writer friends are saying how difficult it is to concentrate on writing right now. I would therefore like to offer a few quick tips:
1. Be kind to yourself. There is a time for everything, and these are extraordinary times. Don’t get cross with yourself if your mind wanders and you don’t get as much done as you’d like… but equally, don’t allow yourself to play sudoku when you have sat down to write!
2. Try to keep a regular writing time. This may have to fit in with your new circumstances – be creative and make a realistic plan. Better decide to write for half an hour three times a week and achieve it/exceed it, than promise yourself you will write for three hours a day, then beat yourself up because other things need your attention.
3. Keep close to the Lord. Read your Bible and pray before writing. Rest when you can/need to. Everything in its proper place.
4. Keep your purpose in mind. If you have done the Write for a Reason course, you will be writing for your one reader. Keep praying for them, and writing for them. Who knows how much they will need your story in the days ahead?
5. Exercise outside if possible – taking a walk in creation brings fresh perspective and fresh creativity.
6. Eat well and drink plenty of water. A healthy snack and a glass of water before you sit down to write will help you concentrate.
7. If you find writing your novel too overwhelming right now, write something parallel. For example, write a letter from your protagonist to another character, write a snatch of dialogue that comes to mind (even if it’s not in the chapter you’re writing), write a prayer for your one reader… anything you can accomplish quickly, but still relevant.
8. Encourage fellow writers. If you’re not part of our Write for a Reason Community closed facebook group, and would like to support and be supported as your write your novel, request to join.
9. Keep learning. Registration for the online Write for a Reason Academy is now open for our April start – could there be a better time to do an online course? 🙂 If you join us, by the end of June you will have a complete story plan and all the skills you need to finish your novel! Due to the current crisis I’ve cut the price of the course in half, because I want as many people as possible to benefit, but if that’s not for you, why not swot up with some writing tips?
I hope you will find at least one of these tips useful. If you do, would you be kind enough to share this post with a friend? We all need each other right now… don’t let’s give up, but let’s keep the fire burning and the light shining!
Wherever in the world, I hope you are well in body, soul and spirit. May you know the peace of God which passes all understanding, whatever the circumstances you are currently facing.
In Jesus, our hope,

P.S. If you have a friend who writes novels for children, but could do with a bit of help/support/training/encouragement, would you consider buying the Write for a Reason Academy for them? It could result in lots more children reading Christian books and hearing the good news of Jesus! Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 🙂