The End of All Things (Part 2)

Last week we took a look at writing your final page before you’d written the beginning (or at least, got very far into your novel). If you didn’t read it, you can find it here.

But what if you find yourself going over and over the ending and getting frustrated, because you can’t seem to get it right?

frustrated woman

The best thing is not to worry. The more you wrack your brain, the worse it can get. So why not switch off, go for a walk, take a bath, read an inspirational book, or go through some old creative writing tips?

Sooner or later that ending will come to you . . .

If you’re still stuck after a day or two, why not start a new writing project? Not a long novel – a short story, a letter, a blog post, a feature article? Or do some writing exercises. If you join our Membership Programme you will be sent  writing exercises every month, so they should keep you going!

Clearing your brain will give it the chance to come up with the exact scene you need. And don’t forget to pray – not just as a last resort. 🙂

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

Trust that helps! If you find it helpful, please do pass on to a friend, and share the blessing!

Thanks for reading,


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