Take Note

Greetings to you, writer friends! Hope you are well and enjoying the summer. 🙂

Did you find the last two weeks’ writing tips on naming your characters useful? If you are reading this on email because you’ve subscribed, but missed one or both of them, please feel free to go back to the Write for a Reason website any time to catch up. Life is busy! I totally understand if you don’t have time to read the writing tips every week, or even open the emails sometimes…

If you’re reading this on the website, and would like to give some of the writing tips more ‘thinking time’, perhaps it’s time to make yourself a coffee (or a nice cup of tea if you’re British!), find a quiet space, put your feet up, and read at your leisure. Why not get yourself a writing journal and take some notes?

taking notes in a notebook

Jotting down writing tips for future reference is a really useful thing to do – the very act of writing will help you remember what you’ve learnt, and you never know when some little bit of info might come in useful for your story. I hope so, anyway! 🙂

Oh, and don’t forget to share anything you have found useful with your friends. It will help us reach more people, resulting in more stories for more young people!

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier PublishingUntil next week,


P.S. If there’s anything particular subject you would like a writing tip on, please don’t hesitate to contact me and I’ll see what I can do. Always glad to help!

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