Hello my Writer Friends.
Did you watch the coronation of King Charles III on Saturday? Lots to glean there if you’re planning any kind of British pomp and ceremony in your story!
βThere have been many television programmes about King Charles over the last few months, telling his story, from a boy growing up, to all his commitments as Prince of Wales, culminating in his coronation this weekend.
All would have been carefully crafted by expert storytellers, so we are engaged with this quite remarkable story.
We need to carefully craft our stories, too, so we engage our readers!
Here are some ‘Big Picture’ things worth thinking about as we finish our first main draft (we looked at these in our training on editing):

Is the length right?
Is it good for the age group/target readers?
Does it flow well, with description, narrative, dialogue and action?
Does the fictional world ‘work’?
Is there anything confusing: is there anything you need to add or remove?
Does your theme come over?
Is the story gripping enough – is there the right amount of suspense/tension? (or is it boring – yikes!)
Has anything old-fashioned crept in? Like the word yikes! π
Have you done any necessary research?
Are you happy with it?
All these things can help with big picture editing.
Hope that helps as you think about your story!
Have a lovely week, and I’ll be back again soon.
Every blessing,
P.S. Quick reminder: we have so many Bank Holidays this month, I won’t be running a Masterclass in May, but am planning one for June, at 7pm on 26th (UK time). Get the date in your diary, and I’ll send you more details in due course. π