Is that Usual? Does it Matter?

Hello again, and welcome to this week’s creative writing tip!

In your writing, look out for stereotypes. If I say “grandma” to you, what image comes to mind? Grandparents of ten-year-old children are more likely to be in their fifties and sixties than seventies and eighties. And they’re not all sat at home with a cat/rug on their knee – they are likely to be at work and busy! I know because I have a ten-year-old grandson. 🙂

older lady with camera
Keep an eagle eye out for dads washing cars while mums bake, or boys playing football while girls go shopping.

Still with characters: it’s important to be inclusive. Could one of your characters have a disability? Are several ethnic groups represented in your story?

Janet Wilson
Janet Wilson

Keep up the good work, folks! And if you feel they are useful, please pass on these writing tips to your friends!

Many thanks,



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3 thoughts on “Is that Usual? Does it Matter?

  1. Ani

    On your contact page it says

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    BUT I am not on the face book and I am interested in your writing course but unable to email you. There is no contact form that I can fill… am I perhaps missing something?

    • Janet Post author

      HI Ani, so sorry, there appears to be an issue with the contact form. I will aim to get that sorted as soon as possible.

    • Janet Post author

      Hello again Ani. Apologies for the issue with the contact form. Please do try again, as I think we’ve fixed it! 🙂

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