Time to Set Your Writing Goals

Do you set goals? It’s something I’ve been doing in the last few years, instead of New Year’s resolutions, which are way too easy to break (if you’re anything like me!).

Over the last few days of December I try to take time aside to work out what I’d like to achieve in the year ahead. One of the most important things for me, is my writing. Firstly, I love writing! Secondly, I feel I have been given this gift, and I need to use it. I want the Lord to say to me on the last day, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” Not get a dressing down! I feel like I can make a difference with my writing. The aim of my stories is to open eyes to the truth of God’s love, to bring hope and faith, light and life. This isn’t just a hobby…

light in the darkness

What about you?

Ready to set some goals? How much could you achieve this year? A chapter a month, the first draft by the summer holidays, 500 words a day? Would it be helpful to do a writing course this year, join a group, read more books (good writers are always great readers).

I don’t think goals need to be realistic, as much as inspirational… and even if you’re late achieving your goal, at least you will be on your way!

Why don’t you give it a go?

Janet WilsonWhatever your goals for 2019, I pray it will be a truly blessed year for you!


P.S. Another of my goals is to inspire others to be better writers. If there’s anything I can do to help you, please let me know!




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2 thoughts on “Time to Set Your Writing Goals

  1. Caroline Kido

    Janet, just want to thank you for sharing your goals and inspiration. I too, am  christian,  and feel I have been given a gift for drawing. I am now in the process of trying to find and study as much as I can about the process of writing and illustration. FROM GROUND ZERO> This is taking me a lot of faith to continue in these early stages, because it certainly isn’t an easy process. Since childhood I wondered why I liked to doodle and why I COULD draw. I am no professional don’t get me wrong, but I could never see how it could be useful, until recently. I also, live in Japan, a very non Christian nation. My desire is to reach the children here. They know of many GODS, but none of which are “love”. So, I feel blank right now, and trying to overcome this overwhelming feeling that I know nothing, and this huge mountain of  too many possibilities can be moved. I kind of feel like a child in a sweety or toy store, am not sure which way to turn,,,,, I am currently also studying digital illustration for my art work too.  When you were just starting off, did you feel overwhelmed? or at peace?

    • Janet Post author

      Wow, great to hear your story, Caroline. I visited Japan in 2010 and was amazed by all the temples, so I have a little glimpse of where you’re coming from. In response to your excellent question, I felt totally overwhelmed! I set up Dernier Publishing with an astonishing degree of ignorance and have made loads of mistakes, but have learnt from them! And I can honestly say that whenever I have needed anything, the Lord has provided. But I’ve also had to put in an enormous amount of effort – like, seriously enormous! And still do… 🙂 Go Caroline! If you have a gift, you must use it!

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