Hello and welcome to this week’s Write for a Reason creative writing tip.
Actually, today’s tip is more than a tip… it is nothing short of essential, if you want to write a book which will have meaning for a new generation of readers.

How do your readers spend their time? What do they love and hate? What makes them happy and what makes them sad? What are their aspirations for the future – their dreams and goals? What do they think of their neighbourhood/community? What do they fear? What current issues are important to them? What do they think about Jesus, God, the church and other religions? How do they spend their free time?
Do you know? If not, it’s time to do some research!
If you don’t have family in this age group to ask, why not ask if you could visit your church youth club and ask about the members’ favourite and least favourite things? (How about offering to run a writing workshop, while you’re there? :-))
Alternatively, what about sending out a questionnaire to families you know, asking how the young people spend their leisure time – what books/magazines/blogs they read, what games they play, what music they listen to, what films and YouTube videos they watch, what sports they enjoy?
Online research can also be useful – there’s no limit there!
Get to know your readers. It will spur you on… and your novel will be so much better for your research!
Hope that helps you with your writing!

Until next week, be blessed!