I do hope you are keeping well in these difficult times.
Many writers are struggling to be creative right now, so here’s a fun idea to kick-start your creativity with a group of writers or family members. Writer-for-a-Reason Jan sent in this excellent game, which you could easily adapt to do with a group on Zoom/Teams/WhatsApp:
“A fun game we played at Christmas might appeal to your readers. Each player writes on 2 slips of paper a first line and an unconnected last line of a story which are then distributed, one of each, to all players. Armed with these random beginnings and endings – write your story! (any length). Needless to say the results can be quite surprising!
A time limit could be useful – perhaps 10–15 minutes.”

What do you think? It’s also a brilliant way to get your children involved with creative writing, if they are getting bored at home – maybe they could do this with their friends?
Let me know how you get on. If you have any other ideas to pass on, please do pass them my way! And as always, please do share/forward/subscribe. 🙂 Sharing is caring!
Keep safe,