Keeping Going Despite the Distractions

What keeps you going with your writing when times get tough?

I find that having a plan, being disciplined, and getting back to the plan as soon as possible helps.

I try to write an hour a day, but of course that’s not always possible. Friends visit, family pop in, there are church meetings to go to, shopping to do… it’s just life!

However, if events conspire to distract me from writing for several days in a row, I find it much harder to get back to my story. But I know by experience that the longer I leave it, the harder it gets… eeek!

distracting image

So getting straight back to my desk with a coffee as soon as I can is the best way for me to get back on track. It’s not always easy! There are so many other fun and easy things to do. But regret is the worst pain! As soon as I’m back on track, I’m happy again, however hard it was to be disciplined.

What about you? What do you find helpful?

Let’s encourage each other!

Love to you all in Jesus,


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2 thoughts on “Keeping Going Despite the Distractions

  1. Caroline Kido

    This is so very true. I started off with a great story idea, I got really into it, then because I hit a wall I paused and took some time from it, and never went back to it!!!! I simply could not find a great ending and it frustrated me so much, I took a breather and result? ,,,,,,, nothing. Then I felt worse than ever, even to the point of giving up the whole writing and drawing job altogether. However, then I remind myself that God has given me a talent, and I don’t want to bury that in the sand.

    I tend to get lots of ideas in my head for other stories,  I feel very overwhelmed when that happens! So, I just write those ideas that come to my head down on a notepad and think to myself, it can be a future project.

  2. Janet Post author

    Hello again Caroline, wow, you could have been talking about me! I have soooo learnt my lesson, from the stories started and never finished. Like you, I still jot down ideas, but now I work on one story at a time, and try to do an hour a day on it. I WILL finish this one before starting another!

    Here’s a bit of advice, that I wish someone had told me… pick one story – the one you feel the most enthusiasm for, and start. And commit to finish, one day at a time!


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