Ending Your Chapters Well

Dear Writers,

I hope you have had a good summer, and have managed to take some time for rest and relaxation.

Now we are into a new season, heading towards the final part of 2023 – how time flies!

Here’s an idea for this week:

Grab your writing journal and jot down everything you have achieved with your writing this year. How many chapters have you written? Have you got your plot sorted out? Have you named all your characters? Have you made some good changes?

Maybe you’ve finished your first draft, or planned your chapters, or picked up on some of these writing tips and made some improvements?

Are you happy with your progress?

Once you’ve done that, decide what you’d like to have achieved by the end of the year, and write that down, too. Try to make it realistic!

Having a good plan will help to keep you on track, so keep it in mind as the weeks progress towards December…

pen and paper

If you need some help, don’t forget, we have a wonderful membership group you can join. If you’d like to try it out, no obligation, let me know. We have a great time!

See you again soon,


P.S. I’m planning a Zoom Masterclass for 11th September (next Monday) at 7pm UK time, on the subject of ending chapters well. We will be looking at several different brilliant ways to end chapters, so your readers won’t be able to put your book down! This training is FREE for Writers for a Reason Unite members, but if you’re not a member and would like to come, let me know and I’ll send you the link – the cost is £8.99 for non-members. It’s great to be together with other people on the same journey, and we always have a good time together! We’re a very friendly bunch, and we’d love you to join us. Simply reply to this email and I’ll send you payment options and the Zoom link. Don’t miss out! It might seem like a minor issue, but it’s huge in keeping your readers reading. 🙂

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