October Challenge

A little bit of advance information… October is going to be Write for a Reason Writing Challenge Month!

I’ll be sending out more information in due course, when I’ve finalised everything, but I wanted to give you the heads up so you can get it in your diary, buy yourself a nice pen and writing journal, and get excited!

lady writing




Details to be finalised, but I will set daily ten-minute tasks, we’ll have a weekly Zoom meeting where we can chat over all things write-for-a-reason (writing fiction for kids and teens from a Christian perspective) – and maybe set up some extra facebook rooms too, for Q and A. (We do these with Write for a Reason Academy students. They are great fun and soooo encouraging!)

The ‘why’ is to learn and be encouraged together – to be inspired to write to the very best of our ability and get our stories done and into children’s hands.

If we are writing anything that might encourage children to walk with Jesus, we are stepping into enemy territory. There’s a fight on for our children’s lives. The enemy wants to steal their joy, their faith and their very lives.

Stories can give readers a perspective on life that they had never considered before – Christian books can have an enormous impact. Books change lives. Well, the Lord’s the one who changes lives, but he does use us, which is an amazing privilege and an awesome responsibility.

And it seems to me that fighting together is better than fighting alone!

So, the October Write for a Reason Writing Challenge – are you up for it? 🙂

If you’ve already decided you want to join in, click here.

Feel free to pass it on the link to your writer friends and in your writing groups. I have a feeling that Zoom will only allow 100 people in a meeting (at the level I’ve paid for) so there may be a limit on places.

Oh, and it will all be free.

Hope to see you there!

Blessings to you all,


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