Positive Affirmation is Not Just for Dogs?

Hi {{ subscriber.first_name | strip | default: “there” }},

How did you get on with last week’s goal setting exercise? I hope you found it useful! ( If you didn’t get to do it but would like to, you still can: just follow this link .)

Here’s a quick tip to help you to stick to your goals, once you’ve set them…

Give yourself a reward!

Aren’t rewards for dogs? you might be asking. 🙂 Well yes, but listen to this:

Apparently, positive affirmation is also hugely helpful when WE want to stick to a new routine or goal.

So what we should do, when we do what we say we will do, every time, we should reward ourself.


You then start to look forward to doing what you said you would do, because you get a reward. That can be a cup of delicious coffee, a phone call with a friend, a game, an evening of watching your favourite TV series, a glass of something nice, your favourite takeaway sandwich, a luxury shower, reading time at the weekend…. or whatever does it for you.

And that means you’re more likely to stick to your goals.

Maybe we’re not so different from dogs! Anyway, I think you deserve a reward for pressing on. Many people think about writing, but just by reading this, you have already made a big step forward.

Which is great!

So keep writing and rewarding yourself, because, as you know because I’m always telling you, if you have been called to write, someone, somewhere, is waiting for your story.

Love to you all,


P.S. We had a fab online book launch for five Dernier books in Kenya last week. If you’d like to watch the replay, where three other authors and myself talk about  our books and the writing process, you can do so here . I think you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

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