What Makes YOU Sit Down and Write?

What Makes You Sit Down and Write? I guess the answer will be different for all of us. Some of you will be so fired up and determined to get your story finished, that you spend every moment you can

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Fun Writing Prompts for All the Family!

I hope you found last week’s writing tip useful, on the different publishing models; what to look for and what to avoid? Let me know if you found it helpful, or if you have a question of your own you’d

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Read to Learn

Dear Writing Friends, Are you keeping up with your book reading? If not, now’s the time to order some books for reading over the Easter weekend! Christian, secular, contemportary, classic – all are good for research. I read fiction for

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Why Choose the First Person Narrative Voice?

girl and dog

There are many and varied reasons for choosing to use the first person voice (I, we, she/he) instead of the third person (he, she, it/ they/them). Here I’ve looked at five reasons you might wish to use the first person.

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Writer’s Block

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Surely every writer suffers from writer’s block at some time in their writing lives. After all, none of us are robots! This feared and dreaded affliction is a part of the creative process – ditch diggers don’t get ditch digger’s block, carpet layers don’t get carpet layer’s block, but writer’s block (all joking aside) can be a very real problem. And there are levels of it, because writing is creative – it’s an art, not a science…

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Choosing Names for Your Characters

Choosing Names for Your Characters

When you are writing your stories, you also have the privilege of choosing names for all your characters. This can be a bit of a headache, and you don’t necessarily have nine months to mull over your choices! I’ve previously written about how to choose names, so I won’t repeat myself, but here’s an idea to help you choose…

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