Good morning!
Apologies to any of you not in the UK who might have been expecting a writing tip yesterday: we had yet another Bank Holiday!
I’m interrupting our series of writing tips on defeating enemies, with a quick tip sent in by writer-for-a-reason Jan Godfrey (you can find her beautiful books for children in Christian bookshops).
Jan said, “I came across this recent quotation from author Joanne Harris the other day and thought it worth sharing with other writers…
‘… keep thinking about what’s most important in your story. Is it a character, an incident, a relationship? Whatever it is, it should feature in your story’s opening. You’re taking the reader on a journey. You should at least hint at where you’re going.’”
This is excellent advice, which I hope will help you with your opening scene. 🙂

Hope all is well with you where you are. We are mindful that although things are improving for us here in the UK as regards the Covid-19 pandemic, there are people who are experiencing great suffering. If this is you, please be assured of our prayers.
Every blessing as you continue to write for the glory of God,
P.S. Just in case you’re looking for a good Christian book for a child/family on your heart, Dernier Publishing (my main job!) is about to release a brilliant book called Nobody’s Dog. It’s all about a boy who befriends a stray dog – the themes of trust, faith and answers to prayer run through the story. It’s a lovely family bedtime story, or for 6-8s to read alone. There’s a competition, too: one person who pre-orders the book will win a whole selection box of books! Didn’t want you to miss out. 🙂 (Sorry it’s currently only available to people in the UK.) This is the link.