Today I have a thought-provoking creative writing tip for you!
As you know, I’m always urging you to read. Well, following my own advice, last week I read Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier while on holiday in Cornwall. 🙂 Wonderful! If you haven’t read it, I thoroughly recommend it. You will be inspired!
Daphne du Maurier wrote this novel after a visit to Jamaica Inn. She was riding with a friend on Bodmin Moor one day when mist came down. They got lost and ended up staying in the inn. Having learnt about the history of smuggling in the area, she wrote her famous story!
Now here’s my point. Could you turn something that happens to you on your holiday into an idea for a story? A boat ride, a visit to dark caves, a folk festival? A local legend with wolves, dragons or bears? Could you write a short story of hope with a spiritual theme, to give to a child on your heart? Perhaps you could write about God’s love, his forgiveness, justice, mercy, good triumphing over evil, light shining in the darkness?
I look forward to hearing all your ideas!
Love to you all,
P.S. Anyone interested in a summer story competition? Let me know if you are, and if there’s enough interest I’ll set one up!
P.P.S. A few more photos, in case anyone is interested…