Do you set goals? Yesterday I was talking to a friend from church who is a recovering alcoholic. The process of setting goals has been instrumental in his journey. Short term goals help him to persevere day by day. Long term goals (such as restoring his relationship with his children) give him hope for the future, and something to aim for when times get tough.
His long term goals help him to stick to his daily goals.

I am currently looking at the goals we have for Dernier Publishing next year – it’s a great thing to do, so we’re not aimlessly wandering from project to project (know what I mean?). 🙂
Now it’s your turn! Over the next couple of weeks, set yourself a long term writing goal. Where would you like to be this time next year with your story? Try to make your goal realistic but inspirational!
Once you have set that goal, split your progress down into monthly or weekly goals – whichever suits you best, and let us know what you are planning…
This will help you get your story DONE!
Trust that helps!
See you next week,

P.S. The hardest part of anything can be starting (going through those gates…). If you want to make sure your story is the best it can be (plus finally feel like you’re not alone!), it’s not too late to join the Write for a Reason Academy. We start in January, and you will come out with a complete story plan with great characters, an exciting plot and you will know exactly who you are writing for. I’m really looking forward to the course, and do hope you will join me. More details here.
From a previous course student: “I am not scared of failing anymore and I need to give myself the chance to actually produce this ‘baby’ which has been gestating for far too long. Just wanted to let you know, because without your kind words this would still be way off in the future for me. Thank you :)”