Light in the Darkness

Happy New Year! May 2018 be a fruitful year for you, full of blessings!

Sorry this is a bit late – I managed to get through Christmas with just a sniffle, but a couple of days later I went down with a virus, so haven’t been around as much as intended. Still, it was nice to relax at home!

Hope you had a good Christmas. What do you like best about the celebration? Of course we all love to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. It’s almost too awesome to understand. But I have to tell you, I’m a sucker for Christmas lights. The softness, the glow, in a dark room. This year my sister and brother-in-law gave me this beatiful gift.

Christmas lights in a Christmas tree acrylic box

Our writing can be like a gentle light in a dark place, so don’t give up. I’m hoping to start a new course later in the year, taking unpublished writers from an idea for a story right through to publishing on kindle. So we’ll be looking at characters, setting, plot and loads more. If you’re interested, let me know and I’ll make sure you’re the first to hear about it, so you don’t miss out (no obligation).

And in the meantime, get your work in progress out, see if you can’t finish it! Make your story inspirational, full of light and life and hope. That’s the best sort of story. 🙂

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

Be back in a few days,



P.S. Want to join the Monthly Membership Programme? There’s so much more in the programme than in the weekly tips. If you don’t find it useful, your money back, guaranteed!

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