Who Is the Greatest?

Dear Writer Friends,

I hope you had a wonderful Easter, celebrating new life in Christ.

Unfortunately I came down with Covid at the end of Easter Sunday, so I missed writing to you last week…

But here I am again, hopefully bringing some joy! 🙂

Here’s the thought for the week:

This morning I was mulling over the story where Jesus overhears the disciples arguing about who will be the greatest.

Jesus takes a child to stand beside him, to show them that in the kingdom of God, things are different. The greatest is the servant.

Writing books for children is servant work. This side of heaven, you may not get fanfares, applause, fame or fortune… but if you given a story to your grandchild which reminds them that God is with them, you have done something amazing.

Boy reading

Don’t despise the small things. Jesus loves the little children. Keep serving and don’t give up. Keep writing, my friends.


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