Christmas Stories

Christmas is a brilliant time for having some fun with your writing.

Here’s an idea:

Write down the names of everyone who will be with you on Christmas Day or Boxing Day. Write a Christmas story involving all these people, to read out after lunch or tea. 🙂

This is brilliant practice in making your writing sharp and precise – you need to keep your story short, exciting and funny, or Grandma will drop asleep and the children will fidget! Could you include a gospel message? Jesus’ incarnation is good news to share!

Isn’t this what Write for a Reason is all about? Sharing the good news of Jesus through story?

Go on, you can do it!

If you have children with you, make them the heroes of the story – they will love it… and from that time on they will be waiting for you to finish your novel! What more encouragement could you need than that? 🙂 Oh, and include pets – they will probably be the favourite characters…

While I’m here, I’d like to remind you that registration for the Write for a Reason Academy is open for just three more weeks, for the January start.

Who is the course for?

This course is for Christians who feel they have been called to write novels for children/teens, but realise they could do with some training and encouragement as they hone their natural talent and story-writing skills. If you want to go through all the essentials you need for a successful novel in a clear, step-by-step way, Write for a Reason Academy is for you. One writer who completed the course said, “I was surprised at how much the course taught me. I didn’t know as much as I thought I did!! The presentation was clear and easy to follow and the teaching was clear and well thought out.”

Here’s the truth: you can do anything God has called you to do, with a bit of help. That’s what the body of Christ is all about – each of us using our talents to support and help each other. One of our students, Mark, has published two novels for 8-11s, has a third on the way, and has also gone on to produce a series of Bible study guides. He told me, “the course gave me the skills and confidence I needed.”

We all need help to develop our gifts, whatever they are. A few years ago I did a course in business French, because although I speak everyday French, I didn’t know the specialised business language. I have also signed up for a safeguarding course in March, because as part of the safeguarding team at church, I need to keep my knowledge sharp. I need to keep up with my job, too. The last professional development course I did cost me £1,200. I’m not charging anything like that for Write for a Reason Academy – I have set the price at 1/4 of that, even though the amount of content is about the same! I am here to serve you.

If cost is an issue, I have set up a six month payment plan, so you can pay monthly. If you feel the Lord is calling you to this, pray about it. There’s always a way when the Lord is in it. Sometimes there’s a really simple way forward… if you currently spend £3 on a coffee five days a week, and take your own instead, you could save £60 a month – which would more than cover the cost of the course and give you a bit extra!

I love getting to know students, and I will be with you in an exclusive Facebook group, going over each week’s training, answering questions, supporting and encouraging you. Even if there are only two or three people on the course, I will be there. You have access to the course at any time, so as long as you have internet access, and a notepad (digital or paper!) you can study.

If you like writing, this course is so much fun! Click here to check out the details.

Right, I think I’ve done enough talking. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. And let me know how you get on with your Christmas stories!

Have a wonderful week,

Janet Wilson from Write for a Reason and Dernier Publishing


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