Fun Writing Prompts for All the Family!

I hope you found last week’s writing tip useful, on the different publishing models; what to look for and what to avoid?

Let me know if you found it helpful, or if you have a question of your own you’d like to ask. I always love to hear from you!

For the next few weeks, as it’s summer holidays, I thought we could have some fun together…

I’m going to set you seven writing prompts per week, so you can write a little bit in your writing journal every day…

OR if you prefer, just pick the one you like the best and go with that!

Write as little or as much as you wish. Five minutes, or an hour – it’s up to you!

These are suitable to do with your whole family, too, so get the kids/grandkids/nephews and nieces involved, or your Sunday School.

Take a photo of your kids’ work, send it to me, and I’ll see if we can’t find a prize. 🙂

It’s time to get creative!

So here are this week’s writing prompts:

  1. Something really strange is growing in your garden…
  2. Your dog barks, and you realise you know what he’s saying!
  3. What brings you comfort when you’re feeling scared or stressed?
  4. What would you like to be doing now? Best case scenario.
  5. It’s one of those days, and everything has gone wrong. Make it up or expand on the truth!
  6. You’re falling, falling, falling… and then you stop…
  7. Your pet is a superhero. Wow, look what they can do!


And for those of you who would like to look at a serious topic with fellow writers, I’m running a Zoom training next Monday (31st July), on the subject of Writer’s Block, and other issues that can prevent us from writing our very best work, with enthusiasm and energy! We all falter at times. Come along and be inspired. There’s a small cost. Click here for more details.

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