Whatever we do, we have to start small. Babies babble, then say a word or two, then gradually their vocabulary increases. We were all there once!
It’s the same for everything we do – we have to start small, learn how to do it, and persevere. There’s no other way to get anything done! You can’t just sit down and play the piano, without those first few faltering attempts and lots of practice. Writing is no different. It takes time, patience, a willingness to learn, lots of effort – and a small beginning. You have to take the first step, then the next step… then keep going.

Sometimes that first (or next!) step can be scary, but it’s the only way to move forward.
I asked some fellow writers from the Association of Christian Writers how they started writing: guess what? They all had a small beginning.
Author, writer and speaker Veronica Zundel wrote a book review for the Baptist Times, which led to a feature article… which led to a career in writing. Fiona Veitch Smith wrote a play for a competition at school – now she writes picture books for children, and crime fiction for adults. One lady started with a devotional for her college newspaper… another chap wrote his testimony for a school magazine… everyone’s route into writing is different, but you need a small beginning!
What’s your next step?
- Join a writing group?
- Decide what you are going to write?
- Take a writing course?
- Something else? 🙂
Take courage, my writer friends – if you feel you have a gift for writing, determine to take the next step… who knows what it might lead to? Don’t bury your talent!

P.S. The new online Write for a Reason course (for anyone who wants to write novels for children/young people) will run for ten weeks through the summer. If you’re interested, let me know! It would be a privilege to help you put your talent to work.