Going Through a Tough Time?

Dear Writer Friends,

We all go through tough times with our writing. A story we started with so much enthusiasm is now just words on a page we are staring at…

I just want to encourage you today, to keep going. Yes, you will go through deserts as well as teeming rainforests with your story!

But if you have been called to write it, you need to finish it.

Don’t worry if it’s taking you longer than you thought – at least you’re getting to the finish line, one paragraph at a time!

If you need to take a break, take a walk round the block, send up a prayer, read some writing tips, or write a letter to your protagonist, telling them to get on with it, hehe… but get right back to that story as soon as you can. 🙂

Trust that helps!

May the Lord lead and guide you as you press on,


P.S. On 26th March at 7pm UK time I am planning a Zoom training on inspiration. Want to come? If you do, let me know. There will be a small cost.

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