Communicating a Message

Christian book for young people in braille

If we want to share the good news through story, we must do so in a way our readers will understand, or all our efforts will be wasted. So in this week’s post I’ve put together seven random thoughts that I hope might help . . .

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Improve your vocabulary – read to write!

switzerland still lake

Here we are again with another writing tip for Christians who write stories for children and teens (wow can it really be a whole week?)! This week’s tip is all about reading to improve your vocabulary. Having a wide vocabulary

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We all need a hero!

dragon cake

Christian stories for children need to be every bit as good as secular stories – or better! One thing we must do as Christian writers is to create engaging characters. Whether our heroes save the world or just their mum,

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Use your childhood memories

Use your childhood memories

A generally excellent piece of advice for writers is to write about what you know. It makes sense. How can you describe the atmosphere of the crowd at a football match during the taking of a crucial penalty unless you

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Using all the senses

Using all the senses

To fully engage readers in your story, you need to help them not just to ‘see’ your world, but to be so wrapped up in it that all their other senses are involved too. So, for example, if your characters

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Ending your story


Endings to stories: don’t make them too long. Once the goal has been reached and the purpose of your story fulfilled, tie off loose ends quickly or simply leave them to your readers’ imaginations. You know the story of Cinderella?

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What is your protagonist’s key goal?

What is your protagonist’s key goal?

Are you in the process of writing a Christian book for children? Once you have decided on your protagonist’s key goal, work towards strengthening everything that takes them there (one conflict after another), and avoiding/removing anything that doesn’t serve to move

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Be prepared

Be prepared

Do you write Christian books for ten-year-old children? Two stories regarding ten-year-old girls have profoundly moved me over the last couple of weeks. The first was the news from Nigeria that Boko Haram are using girls as young as ten

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