Is It Time To Get Out?

Writing is a lonely occupation, but if we don’t get out, we won’t have anything much to write about.

OK, so we can’t all go on a holiday just so we can write better (sorry!). But if we want our writing to have that X factor, it’s good for us to get out of our comfort zone. What about a walk round a rough estate, a millionaire mansion zone, the bush? Could you spend a day reading to the elderly in an old people’s home, volunteering in a shelter for the homeless? You will have stories galore to write when you get home! (One of the ladies at the residential home where my mum lives was married to a spy from MI5 and has some fascinating tales to tell . . .)


Benjamin Franklin said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” That’s good advice!

I know we have to do all the usual daily and weekly tasks, but a change of scenery is always good for writers – is it time for you to do something different?

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

Have a great week,


P.S. Where have you been recently that has helped your writing? Let us know in the comments below!


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