The Importance of Being More Than Earnest

If we want our stories to be the best they can be, being earnest isn’t enough. We need to know how to :

  • Plot a great story that will appeal to today’s readers
  • Create engaging characters
  • Describe clearly for maximum emotional impact
  • Write great dialogue
  • Bring the story to a satisfactory conclusion
  • Get the balance right between narrative, dialogue and description
  • Draw readers in to the story from the first paragraph.

Books on shelf

That’s why I set up the Write for a Reason course, for writers who want to check they are on the right path with their novel. In just seven weeks we look at all these essential criteria for a great novel – and we also look at including a spiritual element to the story without being preachy.

This writing course could be for you if:

  • You want to start writing a story, but don’t know where to start
  • You are stuck in the middle of a story
  • You have an unfinished manuscript tucked away in a folder somewhere making you feel guilty (or more than one!)
  • You are willing to spend time on your writing
  • You are writing for a reason
  • You’re in the middle of a story and want to check you’re on the right track
  • You realise you need a bit of help
  • You love writing!

The next Write for a Reason course starts 4th July. There are still places, but experience has shown that most people book at the last minute, so book now to make sure you don’t miss out!

If it’s not for you right now, no worries, I hope you will still enjoy the weekly writing tips. 🙂

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

Looking forward to getting to know some of you on the course next week (we always have lots of fun!),








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