Hello hello, and welcome to your weekly writing tip!
Actually, it’s not so much a writing tip this week, as a selection of writing prompts, for a change.
Let’s have some fun!
I thought we could do this over the next few weeks, by way of a change and a breath of fresh air, as we wait for the spring.

So as the mood takes you, run with them, and go with the flow.
So choose one or the prompts from the following list, or do them all! And I’ll have some more for you next week. 🙂
Here Are Your 7 Writing Prompts
1. Something has fallen down the toilet – oh no! What is it, and how are you going to get it back… or is it lost forever?
2. Write about a little known fact about yourself. It’s time to share those secrets!
3. Is that a fairy at the bottom of the garden? It sure looks like it! But what is she holding?
4. You’re on holiday in the mountains. What a fabulous view, says a bear, as it sits down next to you on the rocky crag.
5. You have to escape from the room, and an evil inventor. If you can’t solve the puzzle, you can’t get out!
6. You’ve been slimed! Who did it to you, and how are you going to get revenge?
7. Hey, get you, you have a new super power! What is it, and how are you going to use it?
Well, how silly is that? But fun, too, right?
Do send your work in to me, or post your stories in the Write for a Reason facebook group – that would be fun! I’d love to see what you’ve written!
Have a great week,