Welcome to the final writing tip of 2024!
It may be the last one, but it’s still vitally important. 🙂
How do you feel about what you achieved this year, on a scale of 1-10? (I’m talking about your story, now, not the whole of your life, hehe!)

Did you get lots done? More than you hoped? Story taking shape? Or maybe you even had it published and it’s already making sales!
Or are you a bit disappointed with progress? Didn’t get as much done as you hoped you would?
However you feel, make sure you celebrate whatever progress you DID make! Every step you made was a step in the right direction, so good on you! Why not go out for a nice coffee with the people who pray for you, and thank them personally? Or have a Zoom celebration with your writers’ group?
When you’ve done that, grab your writing journal and write down your perspective on 2024. If you did well, what was the reason? If you didn’t do so well, what could you do differently next year?
If you’d like to join the Write for a Reason membership group, we’d love you to join us!
And have a brilliant, blessed New Year, full of writing inspiration, grace and peace!
Yours, as always,