Most of us lead busy lives. We have to balance work and/or voluntary activities with family, church and other responsibilities. We can have so much on our minds that when we sit down to write our minds are so full we are unable to concentrate.
Here are some suggestions for making the most of your writing time:
Pray before you start, and leave everything that is concerning you with the Lord. If a thought about the shopping list, your elderly mother or school visit pops into your head, remind yourself that you have already left that one with the Lord!
Make a list of everything else you will need to get done, so it’s no longer on your mind (and avoid the temptation to keep looking at the list!).
Do any other essential activities before you sit down to write. If you’re worrying about forgetting to tax your car, being creative is going to be hard.
Turn off distractions. Turn off emails, the phone, and anything else you may be tempted to ‘quickly check’.
Create a pleasant writing space. If you like a muddle, make sure it’s a muddle that makes you smile! If you like order, have everything in place, so your working environment is not distracting you.
A few minutes of preparation could save you hours of writer’s block!
Then of course you need to get down to writing . . .
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Could any of those tips could help you? Do let us know in the comments below – I’d love to hear from you! 🙂
Very practical and realistic advice, Janet – thank you!