The one reason for writing we tend to forget

As Christians writing stories for children and teens, we can be tempted to think that the reason we write is for the  sake of our target audience . . . so they may hear the message of the good news of Jesus . . .  but is not the greatest reason we write  so that the Lord will receive all the honour and the glory and the praise? I think it is!


children singingHe wants the children who read our books to turn to Him – he’s made the way at a great cost, because He loves them so much. He doesn’t want any of these little ones to perish. He wants to gather them all in his arms. He deserves their praise, their thanks, their lives. But how can they know that unless someone tells them?

So begins our reason for writing. In a way, of course, it’s difficult to separate our two main reasons (maybe the third is for our own fulfilment? :-)), but do you not think that our greatest motivation is that the name of the Lord will be glorified?

Janet WilsonMaybe I’m splitting hairs! What do you think?



P.S. The next Write for a Reason course starts next month! Click here for more details:


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