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OK, Christian writers, it’s 1st February – not long till spring!

daffodil field

I don’t know about you, but I sometimes find it difficult to get motivated to do anything creative in the winter months. The days are short and dark, wet, windy and cold, and at this point in the calendar it seems to have been like this forever. There’s no colour around in the gardens and everything seems so dull and grey.

Of course, winter will pass and spring will soon be here (anyone got any daffodils out yet?), but I just wanted to encourage you to keep going with your writing this month. (If you’re reading this in warmer climes, ah, enjoy!)

So here’s the idea to keep motivated: Take a photo of the children you are writing for, and hang it on the wall above your computer – or make the photo your wallpaper on your screen. Think of those children enjoying your story in the summer – but of course they can only do that if you work on it now!

And if you need something to write, have you started our writing challenge, which ends in just 28 days? it’s not too late to begin!

Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason
Janet Wilson, founder of Dernier Publishing and Write for a Reason

Trust that helps. 🙂 Let me know what you think in the comments below – be lovely to hear from you!





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