Dear Writer Friends,
Have you been putting off doing the Write for a Reason Academy? Well, I have an idea.
Hope you are all keeping well. Here in the UK the days are getting darker and colder… I’m really feeling it after returning from Mexico last week! I was there for Littworld, the conference I told you about a few weeks ago – it was lovely and warm and sunny – what a treat! It was also wonderful to enjoy fellowship with other Christian writers, publishers, editors and translators from all over the world (40 countries!), and enjoy learning from each other.

So now I’m home, and I’ve been thinking.
We can’t all get together at a conference, sadly, but we could get together on Zoom. Usually, students work through the Write for a Reason Academy alone, but I thought what if we did it together?
Does that appeal to you?
We really do need fellowship, don’t we? It can be tough, writing alone!
Here’s what I’m thinking: starting in January 2025, I thought we could have a meeting once a week on Zoom, 7-9pm UK time (Tuesdays), where I will teach one module from the Write for a Reason Academy each week. This will take 10 weeks, as we go through each of the modules, and we’ll have live Q&A, so if there’s anything you’re not sure about, we can get that fixed straight away.
The cost will be the same as if you were doing the course online, alone.
What do you think?
Just to make that completely clear, I’m not charging anything extra for the Zoom meetings. You will simply pay for the course.
Why am I doing this?
Because I see the need for writers to have help and encouragement, as there’s a desperate need for excellent, relevant, fun Christian books for kids. They need them so badly! Your book is important, and if I can help you to get yours done to the very best of your ability, I’d consider it a privilege. And it’s so much more fun learning together!
So if you’d like to join me in January (first meeting will be Tuesday 7th at 7pm UK time), with a group of other like-minded writers, simply sign up, and you’ll have the last few weeks of this year to get everything ready and prepared (you can even pay by instalments, if you prefer with GBP (£) or in US dollars).
You need to sign up by 30th November, so we will have December to prepare for the course and be ready to start together in the new year. So don’t delay; join up now. If you genuinely can’t afford the full price (for example, if you live in a country where wages are low), please get in touch and we’ll try to work something out between us.
Any questions? Ask away! Lots more info about the course here.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Every blessing,
P.S. This is a limited time offer, so if you are reading this after November 30th, 2024, really sorry, but the offer has closed.