All characters need to be ’rounded’, especially your protagonist. Of course, they need to be inspirational, but they also need to have flaws and issues. They need to get despondent when things go badly – or even get to the point of despair. They shouldn’t always be…
I know exactly where yesterday went; I spent almost the whole day looking up a piece of music, so we could buy the rights to use it in a video trailer we’re doing for a book…
I watched a film at the weekend. Nothing particularly unusual about that! But this film left me feeling… I’m struggling for the right word… troubled. There was no …
Reaching the new generation with the love of Jesus can be tricky in this political climate, but stories are a brilliant way to spread the word in a non-threatening and respectful way…
Who are your writing for? This is an absolutely essential and basic question… if you don’t get this right, you might be writing in vain. Watch the video to find out why…