Happy New Year! Sorry to be slightly late in this greeting. Unfortunately, along with a huge number of other people, I’ve had some kind of virus – I didn’t feel …
Good morning my writer friends, I’m writing to you today from a snowy London! The snow reminded me of something that will definitely help your novel with atmosphere – make …
Good morning my writer friends! I don’t know what it is about the dark evenings and long nights that makes me think of secrets… I’ve taken this week’s writing tip …
Today, instead of a writing tip, I have a ten-minute writing exercise for you. 🙂 The idea is to describe what your protagonist is wearing at the beginning of your …
There are many and varied reasons for choosing to use the first person voice (I, we, she/he) instead of the third person (he, she, it/ they/them). Here I’ve looked at …
A quick creative writing tip on using all the senses in your story. I know you know this, but the exercise will cement in your mind some great ways to …
Well, that’s not a pretty face, is it? Still, all in a good cause! Hope you find the video helpful. 🙂 If you’d like more information about the Writers for …
Here’s a writing tip that came up a couple of weeks ago when I was running a writing workshop in Hungary, with an international group of writers. (It was such …
What we wear is an outward expression of what we are like inside – culture, family, personal likes and dislikes, how we feel about ourselves… and lots more….