Keeping on track

Field with path7 tips to help you finish your story

Did you start with a sense of purpose and calling to write a story to encourage children in their faith, but have lost momentum? If the answer to that is “yes!”, it’s time to set yourself some realistic goals and get that story finished. It might seem like an uphill struggle, but there’s always a way!

Here are some tips to help get you back on track and stay there until your story is complete:

  1. Pray, then start! This can be the hardest part – if you can do this you’ve already made a massive leap forward.
  2. Have a photo on your desk of potential readers of your story. Every time you sit down to write, pray for them! You can’t let them down, can you? 🙂
  3. Decide on a number of words you will write every week, until your story is done. To make sure your goal is achievable, why not try sitting down for an hour with a freewriting exercise and see how many words you write? Times that by the number of hours you can give to your writing every week.
  4. Write as often as you can to keep up the flow – daily if possible, but at least two or three times a week. Get someone to check up on you!
  5. Don’t go back to edit your story during the first draft, or you can lose momentum (I’m terrible at this and suffer for it!).
  6. When you have finished your first draft, time yourself editing the first chapter and plan the work accordingly. Same with your second edit, which probably won’t take as long . . . ditto with however many edits you want to make.
  7. At the beginning of every week put a treat in the fridge or on the mantelpiece. Enjoy it when you’ve finished your weekly word count 🙂

By the way, I prefer a word count to timed sessions, as it’s easy to sit at the computer/desk for an hour and do very little, then become disillusioned. But once you have nailed that word count, you truly deserve that treat!

If you have found this helpful, please share with your writer friends (they don’t have to be writing for children to benefit from this writing tip!) . . . and if you have any tips of your own, please do share them with the Write for a Reason community in the comments below. Let’s encourage each other as we use the gifts God has given us!

Janet Wilson

Together in His service,




P.S. Actually I’m talking to myself here, because I have a story set in the future that I so nearly completed then met my husband, got married, moved house and . . . well, that’s enough with excuses! I’ll let you know how I get on!

P.P.S. Having a good story plan can help to keep the flow of your story going in the right direction. We look at plotting and planning your story in the Write for a Reason course, so if you’d like some help, why not come and join us – it would be lovely to have you! Next course starts April 13th 2015.

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