If we are wanting to include a message in a story we are writing for 8- to 11-year-olds, we need to do it through the vehicle of an exciting and gripping plot. However valid and earnest our message, we just will not engage our readers unless the story is thrilling too; we need to include both humour and lots of action.
I recently helped to judge a short story competition for the Association of Christian Writers here in the UK, and this was the main problem with many of the stories – they just weren’t exciting enough.
So if you can include aliens and underpants, grandmas with superpowers, mystery and drama, adventure and danger, you are much more likely to get your message across – and your readers will love your story!
I trust that helps 🙂
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P.S. We will be looking at how to write gripping plots in the Write for a Reason course – do pop over to the course details for more information.
Look forward to reading more