March has arrived, and what a beautiful day it is today, here in London, with the sun shining, spring flowers coming into bloom, and a wonderfully blue sky. What blessings these things are, bringing hope after what seems like a long, grey winter.
Here’s a picture of the first daffodils, cheering up a dark corner of my back garden! 🙂

Just as we have the physical seasons to bless us, (although I understand if you live near the equator your seasons may not be quite so pronounced!), so we have seasons with our writing.
There may be times when we just have to keep going, when all seems grey, inspiration has fled, and we’re writing then deleting the same scene over and over again (tell me I’m not the only one!).
Then all of a sudden ‘spring’ arrives and we feel a new inspiration; momentum picking back up again. Ideas are flowing, our fingers are zipping over the keyboard, and the story is getting DONE. Yay!
So if you’re stuck in a bit of a ‘winter’ rut, keep going as well as you can. Don’t give up – spring will come. Perseverance is a great quality! If you possess it, your writing will go from strength to strength.
Hope this helps. Until next time,