Writing should definitely be fun! If you have a gift for writing, it will at times flow out of you as if you were born to it, and make you smile. Of course, there will be days when you have to keep moving forward with grit and determination… but even then, when it’s over, you will look back on the experience as an enriching one. 🙂
Today I’d like to give you two writing prompts, just for fun… and to practice using the first and third person we’ve been looking at over the last couple of weeks!
So have a break from your work in progress, put down the sudoku, turn off the cricket and the tennis, and get yourself a pen and paper…

Writing prompt one (first person): You are hiding in a cave. Why are you there? Who are you hiding from?
Writing prompt two (third person): Your main character is a donkey, and his best friend is a bird. Write about an adventure they have together.
Feel free to write as much or as little as you like. Please send your writing – I’d love to see your stories. 🙂
Have a lovely week, and enjoy your writing!

P.S. In case you missed the posts, you can read about writing in the first person here and writing in the third person here. What did you find the most interesting about swapping from first to third person? Which did you prefer? Let me know your thoughts!