man writing

How to Make Sure You Achieve Your Writing Goals for 2020

This week I have a slightly different type of exercise for you, to do with goal setting. Setting concrete goals is an excellent thing to do, because goals help us stay on track. Even if we don’t achieve everything on our list, we will probably have accomplished more by the end of the year than if we didn’t set any goals! So now is the time…

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gates to the house

Why are Goals So Important?

Do you set goals? Yesterday I was talking to a friend from church who is a recovering alcoholic. The process of setting goals has been instrumental in his journey. Short term goals help him…

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Clouds and sunshine

Tension – the Ebb and Flow

Are you good at building up tension in your story, then letting your readers relax again? It’s an important skill for story writers. It’s like stretching a piece of elastic… just when it’s about to snap, you let it go. Phew! This process helps…

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