How Well Do You Know Your Readers?

How do your readers spend their time? What do they love and hate? What makes them happy and what makes them sad? What are their aspirations for the future – their dreams and goals? What do they…

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Sending Your Book Proposal to a Publishing House

Hello and welcome to the Write for a Reason blog! Today I want to take a look at sending book proposals to publishers. This is a topic I have covered before, but it’s something I’ve been asked about recently by a Write for a Reason student who has now finished her novel…

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All Dernier Publishing books collage


Last week we looked at defining our ideal readers. This is a pretty basic starting point for writing a relevant, engaging story.

Here’s something else that’s absolutely foundational to writing… every writer has to be a…

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Save It For Another Day!

Yesterday I put up a quick thought on our facebook page and although very simple, it seemed to resonate with people, so I thought I would share it with you:
Don’t forget to save . . .

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Sea and land

Writing To Say Thank You

Just a quick writing tip today: take some time aside from all the busy-ness of life to write a list of everything you are grateful for. Reflect on the Lord’s …

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