At our Writers for a Reason Unite Q&A yesterday, one of the things we talked about was weaving a message into a story. How do we do this gently, with …
Dear Writer Friends, We all go through tough times with our writing. A story we started with so much enthusiasm is now just words on a page we are staring …
I know you know that it’s vital to get the beginning of your story right, so your readers are gripped and just HAVE to keep reading! Another thing you know …
Last week I read a biography of a lady whose friend suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Every now and then this author used language which was very much ‘university language’, if …
Dear Writer Friends, The days are getting darker and colder… and wetter and windier! At the time of writing, we are due another storm in London tonight… Here’s a quick …
I hope you found last week’s writing tip useful, on the different publishing models; what to look for and what to avoid? Let me know if you found it helpful, …
This week I am answering a question from a writer about the different routes to publishing. The answer is quite long, but if you are starting to think about what …
Dear Writers for a Reason, As I have been preparing the material for this evening’s Zoom training (it’s not too late to register – here’s the link) I have been …