two people back to back

Why Is She Rude?

Hello again Christian writers! A writing tip today on the subject of showing not telling. I know, It’s something I mention every now and then, but there’s no harm in reminding ourselves of the basics from time to time!

Suppose one of your characters is rude and stand-offish. Do you need to tell your readers that the reason she is behaving this way is because she is frightened to get close to people?

Could you show them instead? Could you . . .

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Suppose You Only Had Six Months?

A few days ago, several people lost their lives in a terrorist attack on London. The deaths were sudden and unexpected. Our hearts go out to the bereaved families.

Similar events have happened in Paris, Nice, Brussels . . . and in many other places all over the world. In our church, a family lost a young nephew/cousin last week in an plane crash in Zimbabwe. These tragic deaths are heartbreaking, and they remind us of the honest truth, that none of us knows how long we have to live.

Suppose you only had six months to finish your writing project. Would you complete it? Would you . . .

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girl with big dog

Start with your Protagonist

And on to today’s writing tip: I’ve said this before, but I’ve seen it again more than once recently – unless you have a really good reason not to, introduce us to your protagonist/s straight away. We don’t need to know everything about them at the beginning, but it’s helpful (and intriguing) if you give us a feel for who they are; a hint of character. You might like to give . . .

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happy-new-year 2017

2017: 3 Essential Questions All Christian Writers Should Ask Themselves

Happy New Year, writer friends! 2017 already – wow! Where did the last few years go? 🙂 Can it really be 17 years since the turn of the century? Incredible!

happy-new-year 2017

At the beginning of another year many of us take time to reflect on the year just gone and to look ahead at the one that has just started. Every day God’s mercies are new, and every day we can start afresh, but it is useful . . .

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