
Do You Have Goals?

Apologies for a very late writing tip this week – I have been away to Ireland, visiting my brother, who moved to Co. Mayo last year (and it was my first time on Irish soil – what a beautiful land!).


Anyway, here’s a question for you – something to think about over the weekend, maybe?

What would you like to have achieved by …

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stepping stones

Stepping Stones

Hello again everyone, and thanks for being here. I do enjoy writing these tips, and they help me, too! Before I was a publisher I was a writer, and I still like to keep my hand in, so all the things I write here I try to put into practice myself. 🙂

The first thing I ever wrote (apart from school work) were letters. As children we were obliged to write thank you letters to relatives who sent us birthday and Christmas presents – then when I was eighteen I moved to . . .

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Obstacles are an inevitable part of life. Like the family in the story “We’re Going On A Bear Hunt” (by Michael Rosen), we can’t go over them, we can’t go under them, we can’t go round them: we have to go through them! And obstacles show up in every arena, whether it’s in our work life, relationships, finances . . . or our writing . . .

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Cut It Up!

Good morning everyone. Hope you all had a lovely weekend. We managed to have a BBQ with family yesterday and it didn’t rain, although the black clouds rolled over thick and threatening more than once (well, we do live in England!).

I’ve not long come back from a holiday in the mountains, with a fabulous view from the guest house window. Looking over the photos reminded me of a writing . . .

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young lad looking sad

Bringing Hope

Hello everyone, hope you are well, and an especially warm welcome to new subscribers – lovely to have you here! I hope you will find these weekly writing tips and encouragement useful, as you reach out to young people with the good news of Jesus through your stories.

Sorry to bring in a more sombre tone than usual . . .

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